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bamboo sticks making machine

A bamboo sticks making machine as per a preferred embodiment is described and illustrate in the following drawing wherein; like parts are indicated. A bamboo sticks making machine as per a third embodiment is also provided and illustrated in the following
琼中| 临澧县| 甘德县| 镇雄县| 辉南县| 会昌县| 东明县| 仪征市| 天长市| 和平县| 得荣县| 云阳县| 武义县| 大余县| 肇东市| 闸北区| 忻城县| 曲靖市| 淮阳县| 青岛市| 天全县| 弥渡县| 塔城市| 扬州市| 聂拉木县| 福建省| 新晃| 隆昌县| 宁远县| 太保市| 威海市| 清徐县| 商城县| 上栗县| 建水县| 西昌市| 天津市| 华坪县| 邢台市| 本溪| 邵阳县|