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A bamboo sticks making machine as per a preferred embodiment is described and illustrate in the following drawing wherein; like parts are indicated. A bamboo sticks making machine as per a third embodiment is also provided and illustrated in the following

A bamboo sticks making machine as per a preferred embodiment is described and illustrate in the following drawing wherein; like parts are indicated. A bamboo sticks making machine as per a third embodiment is also provided and illustrated in the following drawing. In this example, the bamboo strips are made into upright strips by first stripping the excess fiber away. These strips are then fed into a suitable die making process. Depending on the instructions of the manufacturer, a number of pieces are fed into the die. Then, the strips are passed through an extruder for cutting them into proper lengths.

In an alternate example, the same method of making bamboo sticks is used but the strip widths are smaller. A number of strips are fed into the die again for cutting them into proper length. In case the necessary number of strips is not required, the main frame is slid out of the machine and the bamboo strips are fed into it. They are then placed in a feed tray for continuous extrusion into the extruder. The entire process is completed again after removing the main frame and the feed tray after it has been replaced with a new one.

On the other hand, in yet another embodiment of the bamboo sticks making machine, the bamboo strips are fed into a suitable die that spins at high speeds. Depending on the instructions of the manufacturer, this type of machine may comprise at least one spinning blade. This blade cuts the strips into pre-determined numbers of pieces depending on the need. A suitable feed reel is then fitted to this type of machine. The feed roller moves vertically downward and horizontally over the pieces of bamboo while it is being drawn up into a chute. This chute is afterwards released when it strikes against the surface of the dies as it moves downward to cut more bamboo strips.

This type of bamboo sticks making machine functions in a similar way to the previous one. The main difference is that the bamboo sticks are cut manually using this type of machine instead of automatically. If desired lengths of bamboo sticks are required, the user may choose to operate the machine manually until the required length is achieved or to attach a blade in order to cut the bamboo sticks automatically.

Another version of the bamboo sticks making machine is the so called washing machine. This is generally used by users who intend to reduce the amount of electricity used while washing large items, such as bulky suitcases, curtains, table clothes etc. In such cases, the machine is designed to allow automatic washing of the items using water and special detergents. A device that allows the washing machine to be switched on and off is also fitted. The machine has sufficient water capacity to wash large items.

In order to complete a task, this bamboo sticks making machine must have an additional function. This additional function will help in preparing various types of bamboo stick pieces for different purposes. One of the most common types of bamboo sticks used in this machine is the bamboo stick piece that is used for polishing. The purpose of using this bamboo stick piece is to add shine to the polished bamboo stick pieces.

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